
Through coaching, faculty and staff can improve their performance and enhance the quality of their lives. The coaching process includes listening, observing, and customizing an approach to the individual’s needs. Coaches seek to elicit solutions and strategies by providing support to enhance the skills, resources, and creativity that the faculty or staff member already has.

One-On-One Coaching

One-on-One coaching is an ongoing, confidential partnership between a faculty or staff member and coach that allows for a thought-provoking and creative process, inspiring fulfillment of their personal and professional potential.

Topics Frequently Discussed

Individuals often wonder about appropriate topics to bring to a coaching conversation. Some of the topics most often discussed in coaching include:

  • Time management and project organization
  • Team leadership and development
  • Managing challenging relationships and situations
  • Strategic thinking
  • Enhancing professional performance
  • Developing cultural competency
  • Creating a legacy
  • Wellness, wholeness, and balance

Pricing Structure

  • One-on-One Coaching: $150/hour for faculty, staff, alumni, and friends

Develop Coaching Skills through CORE

Today’s work environment requires flexibility and collaboration. Team leaders must be able to inspire innovation, experimentation, and participation from the team. Using coaching skills in the workplace helps improve performance and enhance the individual’s quality of life.

Coach training through the CORE program is based on the Coaching Core Competencies of the International Coach Federation, Inc. During class sessions, participants will learn basic coaching techniques and have the opportunity to observe certified coaches, and practice the art of coaching. Coaching classes offered through CORE are:

  • Managing Excellence: Using a Coaching Style in Leadership
  • Coaching through the Performance Appraisal process
  • Using Coaching to Enhance Team Collaboration

To learn more about about coaching or to schedule an appointment, please contact either Dr. Melissa Clodfelter at (336) 758-3079 and